Nos diagnostics prêts à l'emploi pour atteindre l'excellence de l'entreprise

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"Blue Belt" Best practices and Evaluation

Focused best practices or broad evaluation

Blue belt evaluations are relatively fast evaluations: from 20 to 50 questions or "good practices" or from 30 to 60 minutes to carry them out.
The Blue Belt level is of two types:
  • Best practices focused on a specific area with a high level of detail of practices. This type is designed for two purposes:
    • learning: you have access to the best practices observed in companies by management consultants. They have been selected, formalised and structured by our experts in our referentials.
    • evaluation: they are written in the form of a questionnaire (one practice = one question) that can be completed online. They make it possible to evaluate your organisation (or those of your clients if you are a consultant) by measuring the "level of Excellence" by detailed practice and by functional area. They can be carried out by people with a good knowledge of the perimeter
  • Evaluation of a fairly broad field: it makes it possible to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the scope in a short period of time. The evaluation, in the form of an online questionnaire, can be carried out by people with a minimum knowledge of the scope of the evaluation

In both cases, the number of good practices or questions is limited (20 to 50) allowing for relatively rapid assessments (30 to 60 minutes).
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Lean et Excellence Opérationnelle
1 questionnaire
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Management - général
1 questionnaire
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4 questionnaires
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4 questionnaires
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Recherche, développement & ingéniérie
6 questionnaires
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Gestion de projet
1 questionnaire