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"Black Belt" best practices and evaluation

Comprehensive and thorough Best Practice standards

The black belt level covers a wide and deep functional scope and generally contains more than 100 best practices described in a very precise and detailed manner.
They are designed with two objectives in mind:
  • learning: you have access to the best practices observed in companies by management consultants. They have been selected, formalised and structured by our experts in our referentials.
  • evaluation: they are written in the form of a questionnaire (one practice = one question) that can be completed online. They make it possible to evaluate its organisation (or those of your clients if you are a consultant) by measuring the "level of Excellence" by detailed practice and by functional area. Evaluations can be carried out by people with a good knowledge of the scope being evaluated, or by several people who each know a part of the scope, and take 90 to 180 minutes depending on the evaluations.

You don't need to perform an evaluation to learn. Learning is immediate, at any time, anywhere.
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2 questionnaires
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1 questionnaire
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Research, development & Engineering
3 questionnaires