More than 200 best practices structured in 8 areas and 41 sub areas, to obtain a synthetic and detailed vision of operational and management practices of a small series manufacturing site.
Two uses are possible :
- learn production management best practices
- evaluate the production practices in relation to the best thanks to its online questionnaire functionality
The evaluation embeds Lean & six-sigma maturity levels.
Comprehensive best practice model for small series production site

Scope and adaptation
The best practices cover three types of activities: site level management, manufacturing area management and practices in different operational areas. The model / questionnaire is adapted using criteria to be filled by the reader or participant:
- existence of automated production or manual work
- use of a large number of parts for manufacturing
- number of production sites
- type of maintenance organization (in production or autonomous)
Model overview
Manufacturing planning (conditional)
The best practices cover the capacity of the Supply Chain teams in conjunction with the other teams to:
- define, implement and measure the performance of manufacturing methods (drawn, on forecast, from stock, etc.) for the various workshops
- optimize manufacturing planning through a forecasting process, efficient planning
- reduce outstanding amounts and non-value-added time losses on flows
New equipment and products
The best practices cover the capacity of the technical engineering and methods teams to:
- identify the necessary equipment investments and manage priorities and the technical budget
- effectively manage each technical project
- manage external contractors, from the specifications to the equipment installation
- successfully put new equipment or references into production
Quality Management
The best practices cover the organisation's ability to:
- set up and manage an appropriate quality system
- ensure good production quality while reducing quality and non-quality costs.
Industrial strategy
The best practices cover the capacity of the site management to:
- define and communicate its industrial strategy (or adapt that of the group's industrial management)
- to know and anticipate manufacturing capacity requirements and then implement the necessary action plans
Plant Performance SteeringThe best practices cover the capacity of the site management to:
- take the right decisions and actions to achieve your objectives through an effective management system: indicators, management meetings, PDCA...
- enable the successful implementation of operational practices through management and field coaching loops
- effectively manage unit costs and prices
- to put in place the appropriate flexibility in personnel management
Production unit managementThe best practices cover the capacity of the production unit managers to:
- measure, consolidate and report the right data effectively
- manage the operational performance of their manufacturing area
- use visual management effectively
Manufacturing optimisation
The best practices cover the capacity of the production teams to:
- identify priority areas for improving productivity, in particular by reducing variations, reducing bottlenecks or the right load/capacity balance at each stage of the process
- implement standardised procedures and use them efficiently
- use SMED or 5S methodologies
Industrial MaintenanceThe best practices cover the capacity of the maintenance teams, in conjunction with the production teams, to:
- take the right decisions and actions to achieve maintenance objectives through an effective management system: indicators, management meetings, PDCA...
- manage the entire process from the request for action to the handover of equipment to production, according to defined priority and criticality rules
- define and use a good preventive maintenance plan
- coordinate between Maintenance and Production both on first-level maintenance and on intervention schedules
Key steps
The best practices are accessible directly after purchase. In case of usage to evaluate the practices the following steps apply
- The service manager* can directly carry out an evaluation by answering the questionnaire (optional); steps 2 to 4 are optional depending on whether he/she wishes to invite other participants to carry out the evaluation
- If he/she wishes to invite other participants to conduct the evaluation, he/she proceeds to steps 2 to 5
- Otherwise he/she goes directly to step 5 of viewing the results
- He/she can still do his evaluation after the participants if he did not do it at the beginning
- Customisation of the service to the organisation by the service manager*
- Service name, title and introduction for the participants invited
- Selection of participants to the service
- Definition of dimension to enable analysis by organisation dimension (optional)
- Selection of anonymity option
- Sending of an invitation link to the selected participants
- Evaluations performed by selected participants, on the Wevalgo web platform
- Participants connect to Wevalgo web site thanks to the link sent by the service manager
- Participants answer on-line
- The service manager can follow up the answers progress status
- Results available at the end of evaluations on the Wevalgo website
* The service manager is the person who purchased the service.
Recommended participants for an evaluation
For the evaluation we recommend the following participants:
- Production manager or managers if different responsibilities
- A few workshop managers or technical area managers
- A few people outside the production function: sales or marketing, purchasing, supply chain…
- In case of several geographical sites, a selection of each site managers, enabling to compare the practices between the different sites.
Get instant and full access to reports as soon as evaluations are completed.
Gain multi-level analysis on several axis that can be explored in varied depths and dimensions through a user friendly results menu. A few samples of the results report are shown below
Heat map
Visualise the performance and their drivers at a glance across all categories and sub-categories
Results by organisational dimension
Compare performance across your own, relevant and entirely customisable organisational dimensions. For example by geographical locations, departments, hierarchical levels or any other you see fit. Zoom in to breakdowns by category, subcategory and/or question
Results by evaluator and category
You can see detailed results to better understand the causes of your organisation performance
Wevalgo excellence model Results
Get valuable insight into areas and axes of progress thanks to our embedded Wevalgo model. Other analytical models may be incorporated, see key concepts for more information)
We have expert consultants on hand to build their own evaluations, assist you and interpret your results. Select the Expert Review option on the purchase menu.