Easily assess your organization's Operational Excellence maturity

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Do you wonder if you are working in a high-performing company?

Operational Excellence is about executing the strategy flawlessly. Is your company among the 67% of businesses that fail because this is not the case (according to Harvard Business Review)?

First off, is the strategy well articulated and understood by everyone in the organization?

Are the objectives and indicators aligned with the strategy and do they bring value to everyone?

Do managers know how to improve team performance and foster innovation?

Are the processes, methods, and tools at the right level of standardization and effectiveness?

Are employees recognized and their skills properly developed?

Evaluate the maturity of your customers' Operational Excellence practices with a ready-to-use model

You access an evaluation questionnaire designed, tested, and used by Operational Excellence experts with hundreds of companies

The Operational Excellence maturity questionnaire has two major features:

  • Each answer is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 levels of maturity: 1: Starting, 2: Developing, 3: Maturing, 4: Performance, 5: Excellence
  • For each practice/question, there are 5 response options, each describing in a few sentences the characteristics of each level for that practice/question.

This allows for a simple, educational, and quick assessment and understanding of the level of excellence of Operational Excellence in its 20 key practices

The results are consolidated at each level of a pyramidal structure: 20 Questions > 6 Sub-categories > 3 Categories > Total. This gives you macro and detailed views

Help your team understand the issues with your Operational Excellence

The Operational Excellence maturity questionnaire has two major features:

  • Each response is evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5 levels of maturity: 1: Starting, 2: Developing, 3: Maturing, 4: Performance, 5: Excellence
  • For each practice/question, there are 5 choices of responses, each describing in a few sentences the characteristics of each level for that practice/question.

This allows for a simple, educational, and rapid assessment and understanding of the level of excellence of Operational Excellence in its 20 key practices

Increase your value-added time for and with your clients by +90%

You will be able to spend more value-added time with your client because the Wevalgo platform saves you time on all low-value tasks.

You are equipped to be even more relevant from your first meetings because you have consolidated data beforehand: Wevalgo consolidates all the results of previously completed questionnaires for you.

Engage your management and your entire organization

Align management: by inviting management members to respond to the questionnaire, you can have an initial common idea of action priorities

Win staff buy-in: due to its simplicity, this questionnaire is perfect for conducting a broader 'survey.' You will also be able to detail the differences between the scopes (functions, sites, hierarchical levels) of your organization and determine the most priority areas to improve or delve into

Measure progress with staff Once actions are taken, measure their impacts and the progress made by repeating the survey among staff

Give more to your client, with benchmarks, and for longer

More: you will provide richer client reports or deliverables with more detailed, quantitative, and qualitative results

Internal benchmarks: Wevalgo allows consolidating and comparing results between different fully customizable 'client dimensions': site, function...

External benchmarks: You can compare evaluations conducted with each of your clients, regardless of when they were done. This is your private benchmark base

For longer: You can repeat evaluations over time and help your client measure progress

Buy the questionnaire to take advantage of these unique benefits

Choose and validate the evaluation options

Unit price (excl. VAT):
What exactly are you buying?

Why Wevalgo? Unique access to management consulting expertise

Wevalgo's questionnaires were designed by and for management consultants who have evaluated and improved the practices of thousands of managers and companies around the world.

Wevalgo puts the know-how that traditional consultancies keep secretly at your disposal.

The functionalities of our online questionnaires are also unique and designed to meet the need to measure good practice: hierarchical score, post-modification of participants' answers (e.g. following a real interview), private benchmarks, expert vs. participant comparison, progress measurement, etc..

Wevalgo puts the know-how that traditional consultancies keep secretly at your disposal

More details

Key features
Detailed description
How to use
Get a quick and highly visual evaluation on six areas of Excellence
Identify the maturity level on a five-level scale
Do yourself the evaluation and / or invite participants to do it
Perform the assessment in 15 to 20 minutes through 20 specific questions
See your results on a matrix of maturity levels
Get an overview and a detailed analysis with a pyramid consolidation (question, subcategory, category, total)
Compare the results of each participant
Compare the performance by zone or level of your organization (country, site, function, hierarchical level)
Choose if participants are anonymous
Languages available to each participant: English, french 


Quick 20-question questionnaire to assess the maturity of organisational practices in relation to the Wevalgo Operational Excellence model.

Can be answered by a single person or used to make an internal comparison with several participants.

Illustration of the "Maturity Matrix" result

Operational Excellence maturity matrix

Questionnaire short description

The questionnaire is based on Wevalgo's Operational Excellence model, which includes six areas of Excellence as illustrated below.
Operational Excellence model

Strategy Excellence
  • From vision to strategy: what are the strategic elements defined (vision, mission, strategy, strategic objectives), are they based on robust analyses and are they well understood?
  • Strategy implementation: how is the strategy communicated and deployed throughout the organisation to ensure full staff buy-in and operational ways of working aligned with the strategy?
  • Agile strategy: how is the strategy reviewed and adapted to external events and internal performance?

Performance management Excellence 
  • From objectives to data: how are objectives and performance indicators defined and used; how are the data needed to build indicators collected?
  • Meetings - Decisions - Actions: how are management meetings managed to make the right decisions and actions?
  • Visible management: do managers use standard management routines? How is the visual display used in the performance management system?

Improvement Excellence
  • Problem solving: how are cause analysis and problem solving techniques defined and used appropriately?
  • Continuous improvement: how is continuous improvement implemented and by whom? Is it monitored?
  • Transformational improvement: are there more significant improvements that require project and change management approaches? How are they deployed?
  • Innovation and sharing: how is innovation and knowledge sharing managed? Are good external practices being sought or adopted?

Process management Excellence
  • Adopted: are the processes defined in the right level of detail and in accordance with practice? Are they being used effectively?
  • Standard and adapted: are the processes both standardised and adapted to different situations?
  • Methods & tools: are the methods and tools defined, standard or chosen in relation to local needs and the organisation's strategy?

Organisation Excellence
  • Structure: is the definition of the organisation's structure (organisation chart) based on factual criteria and is it well communicated?
  • Roles and responsibilities: are roles and responsibilities clearly defined, at the right level of detail and well understood by everyone?
  • Communication: are bottom-up, top-down and cross-cutting communications well organised and effective?

Employee engagement Excellence
  • Leadership and behaviours: how are the level of Leadership and good behaviours developed?
  • People development: how are people skills assessed, anticipated and developed?
  • Reward and recognition : Are people recognition and rewards appropriate?
  • One team: does everyone feel that the entire organisation is one team? Is diversity well managed? Is health and safety a priority?

Key steps

after purchase and activation of the service, the key steps are the following:

  1. The service manager* can directly carry out an evaluation by answering the questionnaire (optional); steps 2 to 4 are optional depending on whether he/she wishes to invite other participants to carry out the evaluation
    • If he/she wishes to invite other participants to conduct the evaluation, he/she proceeds to steps 2 to 5
    • Otherwise he/she goes directly to step 5 of viewing the results
    • He/she can still do his evaluation after the participants if he did not do it at the beginning
  2. Customisation of the service to the organisation by the service manager*
    • Service name, title and introduction for the participants invited
    • Selection of participants to the service
    • Definition of dimension to enable analysis by organisation dimension (optional)
    • Selection of anonymity option
  3. Sending of an invitation link to the selected participants
  4. Evaluations performed by selected participants, on the Wevalgo web platform
    • Participants connect to Wevalgo web site thanks to the link sent by the service manager
    • Participants answer on-line
    • The service manager can follow up the answers progress status
  5. Results available at the end of evaluations on the Wevalgo website

* The service manager is the person who purchased the service. 

Recommended participants for an evaluation

For the evaluation we recommend the following participants: 

  • Subsidiary Director
  • Business Unit or Geographic Area Manager
  • Site director
  • Top managemen team

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